Film Therapy Forum Overview

Film Therapy Forum (FTF) is where members of the community can come together to view a selected movie. After the screening members take part in a Q & A session with invited panelist and expert guest(s), engaging in dialogue about the movie’s main theme. Members learn how movies can evoke emotions and impact mental health.

Filmmakers, panelist, and audiences will have the opportunity to network before and after the screening.


Self-Discovery and Identity

Movies that explore characters’ journeys of self-discovery, identity formation, and personal growth can be powerful in prompting viewers to reflect on their own lives and identities.

Relationships and Communication

Films that depict various types of relationships (romantic, familial, friendships) and the challenges of communication can help viewers gain insights into their own relationships and communication styles.

Resilience and Overcoming Adversity

Stories of resilience, triumph over adversity, and the human spirit’s ability to overcome challenges can be inspiring and motivating for viewers facing their own obstacles.

Mental Health and Well-Being

Movies that sensitively portray mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and others, can help reduce stigma and increase empathy while providing insights into these conditions.

Purpose and Meaning

Films that explore existential questions about life’s purpose, meaning, and existential dilemmas can prompt deep introspection and philosophical contemplation.

Loss and Grief

Stories that deal with loss, grief, and the process of mourning can provide comfort and validation for viewers experiencing similar emotions.

Mindset and Transformation

Narratives that focus on mindset, transformation, and the power of positive change can uplift and inspire viewers, fostering a sense of optimism and hope.

Social Issues and Advocacy

Movies that tackle social issues such as discrimination, injustice, or inequality can raise awareness and encourage viewers to reflect on their values and beliefs.

Forum Outlined